
An All-Access Parallel Process Membership

Empower yourself to step into your parental authority, create safety and security for your struggling child, learn to emotionally attune, set effective boundaries and break enmeshed patterns. When parents build these skills, they will promote their child's emotional health and self-regulation skills.

12 Month All Access Membership

  • Parenting Classes

    Get full access to our complete list of digital parenting classes, including classes only available to the membership.

  • Group Coaching

    Access to 2x a month live zoom parent group coaching classes plus 100+ class library.

  • Live Coaching Sessions

    Access to monthly 90 min live coaching sessions. Exclusive to the membership.

  • Live Workshops

    New Live workshops are free within the membership -lots coming soon!

  • Community

    A private exclusive and safe on-line community to share and connect.

Classes/Curriculum to Re-write the Parent-Child Script

Get full access to all of our e-courses and Parallel Process Curriculum including:

  • Transform Your Parenting

  • Brave Parenting

  • Unenmeshing Challenge (only available in the membership)

    You’ll also receive exclusive workshops only available here

Be Supported in Group Classes with a community of Parents

  • Access the Group Parent Coaching Class: 60 min Live zoom meets 2xs a month, teaching new content each session, Q and A and group sharing.  Plus, access to 100 + library of recorded classes. 

  • New Live Coaching Sessions:  Each month, Krissy will host a 90+ min live coaching session.  She will not have anything prepared; she is showing up to coach parents in real time with their current parenting challenges.  The very best learning comes from repetition and learning from each other. 

New Live Workshops

Krissy will be hosting new live workshops. They will be available to purchase but will be free within the Empowered Membership. Upcoming: A 4+ hour live workshop on Re-Writing the Parent Child Script and Unenmeshing Challenge #2 – a 15 day live challenge, coming soon!

Private Community of Empowered Parents

Exclusive access to private community of Empowered Membership Parents on Signal App.  Krissy will post weekly, share zoom links to events, leave voice recordings for the membership.  Parents are free to share their challenges and successes and have a community to learn together with. 

"Krissy will guide parents how to best utilize Empowered for their growth and development."

Be Empowered


A one-time payment gives you access for the entire year.